Paper presentations at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) in Bremen in May

In May 2023, I will be attending the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) in Bremen to give two paper presentations on recent empirical research.

First, together with Albina Maxhuni, Birte Keller, and Frank Marcinkowski, I will present a recent study titled “Hegemonic Technology Implementation at the University - A Qualitative Analysis of the Perceived Harm of Affected Students during the Introduction of Dropout Detection” (German original: “Hegemoniale Technologieimplementierung an der Hochschule - Eine qualitative Analyse der Schadenswahrnehmung betroffener Studierender bei der Einführung von Dropout Detection”). The core of the presentation is the results of a qualitative content analysis, which focuses on student perceptions of performance prediction systems at universities, and investigates which technical, social, individual, and societal dangers that may arise from corresponding AI applications are feared by those affected.

Second, together with Christopher Starke and Jule Roth, I will present a recent study titled “Using AI to Navigate Through the Crisis? Legitimacy Perceptions of AI-Supported Energy Policy Decision-Making Processes” (German original: “Mit KI durch die Krise? Legitimationsperzeptionen von KI-unterstützten energiepolitischen Entscheidungsprozessen”). The presentation will cover a study on the legitimacy of using AI-based opinion mining to assist in the siting of new wind power plants. A representative survey revealed that public acceptance of these AI-based decision-making systems is low. This suggests that building trust and directly involving citizens in decision-making processes would be a more promising approach to promoting the expansion of wind power.

If you see me, come over and say hello. I would be happy to discuss my research with you.

Marco Lünich
Marco Lünich
Social Scientist

My research interests include the public perception of Digital Media, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence.